A curated dataset tied to state-sponsored threats that seamlessly supports your SIEM and DLP systems for proactive risk mitigation.
Total data
documents collected.
documents collected.
New data documents
added daily.
added daily.
Email addresses, domain names and terms associated with state-sponsored actors.
Elevate Your Existing Security Ecosystem
Traditional network security tools and data loss prevention solutions lack the intelligence to detect state-sponsored risks. Shield supports SIEM tools and/or DLP systems via API, adding a critical layer of proactive risk mitigation in addition to uncovering past threats. With Shield, your security ecosystem can become more resilient to evolving state-sponsored interference.
LEARN MOREProactively Stop Risk Before It Starts
The Shield curated dataset can help your security tools flag and block communications and web activity in your network tied to nation-state actors. It enables you to be proactive in your defenses, employee training, and policy creation to prevent threats. By addressing vulnerabilities early, Shield can strengthen your organization's ability to neutralize risks before they escalate.
LEARN MOREImprove Security with Actionable Intelligence
Shield identifies past and current risks within your digital ecosystem, such as interactions with flagged selectors (ex. talent recruiters that might contact your employees via email). These insights can trigger and support internal investigations, policy updates, and cross-team training to enable intellectual property protection and mitigate threats.
READ CASE STUDYThe Most Dynamic Threat
Intelligence Dataset
Shield’s dataset, built from over 60,000 global sources, is verified by qualified intelligence experts at Strider and updated regularly. Accessible via API, this intelligence bolsters intellectual property protection and keeps your team ahead of emerging risks. It includes the following items tied to state-sponsored actors:
High-Risk Email
Multilingual Keywords Connected to Risk
Known Malicious Domain
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