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Collaborate and conduct research securely with risk intelligence tools to identify
 and respond to state-sponsored risks


Open collaboration is essential for driving innovation and securing competitive funding, but it also exposes universities to state-sponsored risks, including technology transfer and compromised personnel.

Identifying and mitigating these risks is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly when researchers are targeted by competing nations.

Universities often lack access to critical, hard-to-find data needed for thorough risk assessments.

Researchers may unknowingly compromise funding compliance by failing to disclose key relationships, such as involvement in foreign talent programs.


Strider’s risk intelligence tools help universities navigate these challenges, ensuring secure partnerships while advancing research.

Grant Funding Compliance

Screen researchers’ backgrounds to ensure compliance with federal regulations. Monitor talent program memberships to protect your funding from undisclosed 
affiliations that could lead to regulatory breaches.

Research Partnership Due Dilligence

Perform due diligence on potential partners to avoid restricted entities, including those tied to the PLA or Russian militaries. Screen key employees to ensure they don’t have ties to restricted organizations outside the partnering entity.

Education of Researcher Community

Identify internal researchers who specialize in areas targeted by foreign states for intellectual theft. Brief them on state-sponsored tactics before travel or key activities to protect their work from 
targeted risks.

PhD Applicant Screening

Screen PhD applicants’ academic and professional histories to uncover hidden ties to restricted entities or defense universities, ensuring compliance with institutional and federal regulations.

A Platform Tailored to Universities

Strider’s streamlined platform, designed specifically for universities, simplifies risk assessments and decision-making, allowing institutions to focus on innovation with confidence.

My People

Provides an external, open-source view of your university. Quickly identify which research topics and technologies are being targeted by state-sponsored actors and find faculty or researchers connected to those areas.

Search Organizations

Uncovers critical academic and organizational ties, including ownership and parent-subsidiary relationships. It highlights whether key personnel at external institutions, like board members or executives, have connections to high-risk entities.

Search People

Screens academic researchers and visitors for potential risks by identifying affiliations with restricted government, military entities, and sensitive industry or academic associations.

Strategic Intelligence for Confident Decision-Making

Strider sources hard-to-find, publicly available data and transforms it into actionable strategic intelligence. Leveraging AI, Strider provides universities with critical insights into potential collaborators, organizations, and researchers with possible ties to competing nations.

Reach out to a Strider representative today to discover the insights our platform can reveal for you
