Is Your Organization Insider Threat-Ready?


State-sponsored risk

Proactively manage, visualize, and respond to state-sponsored risk at individual and industry levels

From quantum computing to wheat farming

Historically, state-sponsored actors mainly focused on collecting classified information at a government-to-government level. Today, they also focus on growing their strategic advantages through the global economy. That means collecting valuable information across a wide range of industries, like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, electric vehicles, and even agriculture equipment. As we have entered this era of geopolitical competition, many companies are at a heightened risk of state-sponsored intellectual property theft.

Understanding the threat landscape

Awareness is the first step in creating a proactive defense response. To effectively secure your organization, you need both an external understanding of what information is being sought by rival governments and an internal understanding of how state-sponsored actors target your technology and talent.

By reviewing foreign government strategic plans, economic goals, and economic statecraft policies, you can proactively know which technologies foreign governments are interested in. Ranger offers an intuitive dashboard view of this information, and how it overlaps with the innovations at your own company. Learn More
One of the biggest challenges for internal threat teams is knowing where to best allocate their resources. Understanding how state-sponsored actors work and their recruitment cycle is critical to identify risk in your organization.

The state-sponsored recruitment cycle

Using only open-source intelligence, Ranger offers supplemental information on talent that’s at the highest risk of being targeted. This information complements your existing insider threat solution and provides crucial context in your investigations. Learn More

Strider products that can solve this challenge:


After a bad actor spots and assesses a potential prospect in your organization, they need to make contact. Shield acts as a supplementary security tool that screens inbound communication from state-sponsored actors. With the ability to flag or block communication from known actors, you can effectively stop intentional and unintentional insider threat before it starts.

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With Shield preventing initial contact of state-sponsored actors and Ranger adding critical insights to current potential risk, you can finally go from a reactive to a proactive defense response. 

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Better allocation of time and money

With better insights of threats within your organization, you can more effectively and efficiently allocate time and resources.

Your internal data is not required

Strider collects data from tens of thousands of primary data sources in multiple languages through a zero-touch architecture, so we never require any of your internal data.

Uncover hard-to-detect threats

Strider’s customized dataset layered with our proprietary risk methodology offers your organization access to information that other security tools can’t provide.

Ongoing threat detection 

With millions of new data points collected daily, we provide you with new and actionable insights regularly.

See our products in action