Third-party due diligence tool that provides visibility into state-sponsored security, compliance, and reputational risk.

Ever changing.
Ever challenging.

With the legal and regulatory environment constantly changing, you’re under greater pressure to ensure compliance and security against state-sponsored risk. You need the right tools, data, and context to more effectively manage your global supply chains.

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Better visibility. Better compliance.

With Checkpoint, you can screen partners, vendors and third-party relationships—on an individual level and at scale—for ties to restricted or high-risk entities.


Better visibility. Better compliance.

With Checkpoint, you can screen partners, vendors and third-party relationships—on an individual level and at scale—for ties to restricted or high-risk entities.


Better visibility. Better compliance.

With Checkpoint, you can screen partners, vendors and third-party relationships—on an individual level and at scale—for ties to restricted or high-risk entities.


Gain never-before-seen visibility into end-user impact and connections to:

Gain never-before-seen visibility into end-user impact and connections to:

Foreign governments
Research institutions
Defense operations
Military organizations

Data-driven decision making

Strider collects open-source data from 30,000+ global primary sources in multiple languages. Using advanced AI data processing tools, Checkpoint provides actionable intelligence, including:

Data-driven decision making

Strider collects open-source data from 30,000+ global primary sources in multiple languages. Using advanced AI data processing tools, Checkpoint provides actionable intelligence, including:

Sanctioned and restricted entities and subsidaries
Military end users and suppliers
Defense training and research organizations
Organizations impacted by the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
State-owned entities

Stay in the know 

Regular updates providing the latest regulatory information and insights help ensure confident decision-making. 

How you view is up to you

Checkpoint can be viewed via our cloud-based platform or integrated directly into your current supply chain management system.

Zero-Touch Architecture

Benefit from impactful insights from day one with intelligence that doesn’t require any internal client data.

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Introducing Spark AI

Receive immediate answers to critical supply chain questions with generative AI-powered search functionality.

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Integrated into our Checkpoint product, Spark AI is a powerful data search capability that revolutionizes the way you access, analyze, and utilize Strider’s procurement data.

Simply type in a question and get immediate answers about organizations, goods, and services that have transactional history with foreign government, defense, and military organizations.

Spark AI Feature 0

Source Documents

Source documents are always included in the response

Spark AI Feature 1

Intuitive messaging

Implemented as an in-product chat function

Spark AI Feature 2

Seamless Integration

Integrates seamlessly with the Checkpoint network view

Be the first to preview Spark AI

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